We have a beehive in our backyard (I still need to ask the Queen for permission to do a colony photoshoot) that has some amazing workers. They are busy as… bees, working all for a common cause of the unit survival. Each little bee is aware of their major role for the good of the entire colony no matter how small their contribution is.
This past Wednesday I had the privilege to witness and photo document Huestudio‘s volunteer action at the Feed My Starving Children event at the beautiful Union Station in Chicago.
Watching these people filling and packing the small rice meals (MannaPackTM) ready to be shipped to many hungry countries all over the world, reminded me of our busy bee hive and how even the smallest contribution of each one of them will produce a significant impact in someone else’s life, sometimes possibly even saving it.

Love! Love! Love! Thank you so much!
Thanks much, Jeff!! It was awesome to take part!