metalscapes vol 01

It doesn’t happen every day to have parked in front of your office a gorgeous looking Miller Formless M1000 concrete pouring machine in its full splendor. What a nice subject for today’s FREE FRIDAY to snag some high-resolution metal surface textures! And there were plenty to choose from scratches to cement splotches, stains and dried drippings. Use these in your photos to add grit, color, character, and age.

And as always, if you are using any of these texture in your work, please post a link to the final result in the comments below and please re-share this post. Cheers and Happy Friday!

Miller Formless M1000
Miller Formless M1000

metal texture 01
metal texture 01
metal texture 02
metal texture 02
metal texture 03
metal texture 03
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metal texture 04
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metal texture 05
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metal texture 06
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metal texture 07



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