It happened, and I couldn’t be more happier! My current portfolio on Stocksy reached the 1000 photo milestone! It’s been a fantastic year and I feel really privileged to be a part of this amazing and inspiring community of photographers.
I thought it might be good as photographers to use these landmarks to sit down, take a break, evaluate and plan for the future. Stocksy proved to be so much more than just a freakin’ awesome stock photography website. At least for myself, besides an amazing source of inspiration, Stocksy ended up being a place I am looking forward to go to at the end of a day, to throw my boots off and just hang around, chat and have fun with my fellow photographers. Some might call it a social media thing, but it’s much more.
It is interesting that how that vibe translates when we actually get together at our mini Stocksy gatherings every now and then. I’ve had the privilege to meet some of the most awesome human beings on the Planet this way I now easily can call my friends. That, goes so much beyond photography and cannot be priced. I hold that very dearly.
Here in Chicago we are a happy crowd, that know how to put up a party when anyone comes around. Let us know next time you are in town!
Thank you, Stocksy gang!